Not So Easily Broken Read online

Page 6

  Not only did she now finally remember why the setting looked so familiar but she had actually attended this event. It was a meet and greet hosted by the Barbados Tourism Authority to launch a Caribbean tourism partnership initiative that would allow guests of certain hotel chains found on each island to travel through the Caribbean and enjoy discounted meals at selected restaurants in addition to rebates on hotel rooms. As a restaurant owner on Derrien Island she was invited to take part. As she looked into the background she saw herself leaning against the balustrade speaking to the CEO of Angus Antillean Realty. Also, if she remembered correctly while she was there she did notice a woman in red on the dance floor and she was even more convinced that Ramon was not the man she danced with that night, simply because he was not there.

  Her full confidence sprung from the fact that as part of the event a couple had been hired to do ballroom and Latin dance for entertainment. They were local Barbadians who had won several international dance events over the last two years and had just established their own dance school on the island. Constance remembered how graceful they were and she remembered telling Mr. Angus that back in her younger days she could cut a mean Venetian Waltz on the dance floor with her husband too. She was positive now that the man could not have been Ramon. In fact, the man dancing at the event with the woman in red could not have been more than five feet nine inches compared to the towering powerful physique Ramon carried at six foot three.

  “Courtney wait here there is something I need to check,” said Constance standing quickly.

  She walked over to Courtney’s desk to retrieve her bag and her tablet. Her eldest daughter always teased her saying that she was a ‘techno granny’; always up to date with the latest gadgets. Feeling assured that she was right, she remembered that she was so impressed with the couple that night that she had asked the event coordinator for their contact information just in case she could use their services at some point in the future at her own restaurant on Derrien Island. She scrolled through the names until she came to the names she was looking for, James and Alicia Sorellio of Ritz Dance School, Barbados. Quickly she brought up the browser on her tablet and put in the website supplied in their contact information. She browsed through the site for clues as to where the photos came from with little success before linking on to the Facebook fan page for the Ritz Dance School. It was there that she saw the photos, the very same ones that lay on the loveseat beside a distraught Courtney Belham.

  Constance rushed back over to where Courtney was seated eager to share her news but the confused and hurt expression in her swollen tear-filled eyes nearly broke her heart. Determined to make her understand Constance pressed on.

  “Courtney, you need to see this, I don’t think that Ramon is cheating on you, in fact I know that he isn’t, and I think that deep down you know that he isn’t too,” said Constance.

  “But you saw the pictures Constance, you saw the evidence.”

  “Courtney, you are a photographer and you know how easy it is to doctor photos these days. All kinds of software exists now to edit and create something that really does not exist. Have a little more faith in Ramon.”

  “I want to Constance. None of this makes any sense to me, but I do remember that he was in Barbados that week for the Prime Minister’s inaugural dinner.”

  “That may be true but this event is not the Prime Minister’s dinner,” stated Constance firmly.

  The decisiveness in Constance’s tone touched a chord in Courtney and raised her curiosity so that she lifted her eyes and turned her head to face her.

  “What do you mean?” Courtney asked.

  “Something about those photos really bothered me and I finally saw what it was. Do you remember that the same weekend Ramon was out of town I also travelled to Barbados?” asked Constance with a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

  Courtney sat up straight at that moment and leaned her head to a side while signalling for Constance to continue using her hands.

  “This is the tourism partnership event that I attended when I went to Barbados,” said Constance excitedly.

  Courtney’s eyes widened as she tried to absorb what Constance was saying to her.

  “The event was held at Sierra Tides, that seafood restaurant I told you about a few months back,” said Constance. Do you remember me telling you about a restaurant with the life- like coral motifs on the walls and the floor- to- ceiling aquariums?”

  “Yes, I do. You said that you really had a good time there and the decor really inspired you to make some changes at your own restaurant here on Derrien,” replied Courtney sensing the beginnings rays of hope entering her heart.

  “Exactly, I am glad that you remember. That night the Barbados Tourism Authority hired a talented Latin dance couple to provide entertainment at the event. They are actually a married couple who run a dance school on the island. They even taught us some steps to the dances and we all had a great time. What I want you to see are these photos on their Facebook page. Not only were these pictures edited but they did not edit out a very important link,” Constance paused for effect before finally saying, “Me” and handed Courtney the tablet.

  Courtney did not understand what was going on but over the years she had learned to trust this woman’s judgement. Constance handed her tablet to Courtney showing her the photos on the fan page of James and Alicia Sorellio on Facebook. Courtney gasped first in surprise at seeing Constance in the background and then she clicked through every other photograph in the set of twelve without taking another breath. When she was done she exhaled and slumped back in her chair feeling utter dismay. Inside she was relieved that her fears were needless but she was also very disappointed in herself. Constance was right from the beginning that there had to be a rational explanation for all of this. She had let her fears and disappointments from the past cloud her judgement once again, and Ramon was innocent. He had done nothing but prove to her how much he loved her and she still measured him based on unconfirmed evidence.

  “Ramon is innocent! Oh Constance, who would want to do something like this to us?” asked Courtney wearily as she placed the tablet on the chair beside her before allowing her head to fall into her hands.

  Constance shook her head not having any immediate answers to satisfy Courtney’s query.

  “I do know this though, that whoever it is that is behind this elaborate ruse cannot be not sane at all”, said Constance.

  “Constance, do you know that today my husband came here and told me in no uncertain terms that he loved me and that he was committed to me. Today is our seventh wedding anniversary,” said Courtney.

  Constance struggled to force her face to register delayed surprise as she pretended that she was only just remembering that bit of information while nodding thoughtfully.

  “Oh yes, you are right, Happy anniversary,”

  “Today, right before you called me, a woman by the name of Alicia called me to say that she was my husband’s mistress. I told her she was a liar and I hung up on her. I did not believe what she said. She even said she was having Ramon’s baby. I knew it was a lie but then I saw the photographs and...well...

  Courtney paused as her voice broke and fresh tears flowed from her eyes. Constance fished out another tissue from her bag and handed it to her and tried to reassure her by placing a comforting hand on her thigh.

  “That must have been when I called you to confirm our appointment earlier then.”

  Blowing her nose loudly, Courtney nodded in confirmation.

  Constance thought quietly for a moment before replying. “You know Courtney; there are truly people in this world that need a lot of help. They are so warped in their minds and it really is incomprehensible how a person could work so hard to try to destroy the lives of other people.”

  “I know Constance, we have worked so hard at getting our marriage back on solid ground by talking more and we even began to pray together and for each other like you suggested. It has been working and I was sure that we had dev
eloped a new bond and a stronger relationship.” said Courtney sadly.

  “I agree with you and I knowing all of this could not take what I saw at face value. You know, there are times when your faith is really challenged when you are presented with a situation that you cannot understand. I have found that is best to remain calm and pray first. I know it is hard when your feelings are hurt but sometimes we miss a lot when we choose to believe the worst about someone before believing the best,” advised Constance.

  “You are two wonderful young people and it is inevitable that someone will find either of you attractive. You have to accept that, but still come to the place together where you can leave the past in the past. Ramon is not your father, nor is he your mother Courtney. I really believe that he is more than fully committed to building a life with you and only you”.

  Courtney thought about what Constance said for a moment before responding. It was becoming clear to her that if she was to really move forward with Ramon she would have to put their hurtful past behind and forgive not only Ramon but also her parents completely. Ramon did not deserve all of the labels she had attached to him over the years and today marked the day when it all had to stop. Taking in a deep breath Courtney finally spoke from her heart.

  “Constance, you are right, I have to let it go, I have to let go of my past before it destroys any hope of my future. I can’t allow my fears to cause me to sabotage my marriage anymore, “decided Courtney finally.

  “Good, I am glad that you understand.”

  “I have been resisting Ramon from the very beginning and he has really endured a lot to put up with me and my fears. I want to forgive my parents Constance, I really do.”

  “Well just do it. Decide finally in your heart that you will let what happened to their marriage go and that you will not allow it to cloud your thinking any longer,” said Constance.

  Exhaling deeply Courtney finally surrendered and released her parents and released Ramon and suddenly she felt lightness and peace settle over her mind and her heart. It felt as though she had been walking around with a heavy burden for years and now she felt so light and finally so free. Free to express what was really in her heart to Ramon. This morning at home she tried and knew that she had made a lot of progress but now she felt she could open her heart all the way.

  Suddenly Courtney stood up and walked briskly over to her desk with the photographs in her hand and sat down.

  “This is an excellent Photoshop job here Constance. If I was this person I would be using this talent to make a successful living rather than to wreck lives. It is obvious that whoever it is, they have access to many photos of Ramon as well.”

  Courtney switched on the lamp on her desk and saw that it was now four o’clock in the afternoon. She was supposed to have a hair appointment right now in preparation for dinner tonight but what she was doing was much more important. Taking up the magnifying glass she used to examine photographs more closely, she looked at the photos again and then saw the fine flaws that indicated the pictures had indeed been cropped and cut. Her heart sank thinking how quick she was to believe the worst about her husband yet again. She was wrong about him having a sexual relationship with his secretary the last time and she was wrong this time once again. Thank God she had not done anything foolish.

  Seeing her reaction Constance knew she still had to be feeling pretty terrible about her response to seeing the photographs. This was not the time for guilt and shame and she wanted to keep Courtney’s spirits up after all, tonight was her second surprise wedding night.

  “Courtney, I have gotten to know Ramon especially well over these last two years and I can tell you that man is over the moon where you are concerned. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “I just pray that the person who did this is exposed. This is sick. I mean, Ramon could be in real danger. Someone capable of doing this is very unstable and who knows how far they will be willing to go to make their point, replied Courtney.

  “Do you think it might be Lela?” asked Constance.

  “No, somehow I don’t think it is her. I ran into her at the mall last month and she came over to me and apologized for the pain she caused me two years ago. She said that her life was very different now, and that she had gotten counselling and had found a new job and was moving on with her life. She even showed me that she was engaged. It was hard seeing her, you know, remembering all she did, but I told her I forgave her and when I did that I really felt a release inside then as well.”

  “Hey you never told me that!” smiled Constance. “It really is unfortunate how many of us hold on to past hurts and regrets and use them as a benchmark to decide how we approach the circumstances in the present. I am glad you were able to finally come to that point with her.”

  “It has been difficult for me, but as I said before, Ramon and I have really worked hard at being a couple. We never let a day go by without calling each other during the day even if just for two minutes, we pray together, we try to have at least one meal a day together and we make time to make love. Right now, I think our marriage is in the best place it has ever been. Which is why I could not understand how he could do this? I should have trusted him.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up over this Courtney; you are a woman in love, a woman with emotions. You will feel hurt and crying is alright. Feeling weak is alright too but today God had you in the palm of his hand. I remember that verse that says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that raises up against you shall be condemned”. I believe that God has honoured your commitment to each other and to Him and He is going to ensure that this anniversary and this marriage will not be so easily broken by the schemes and plans of those that hate you”.

  “Thank you for saying that. I really believe that now Constance, I believe that,” said Courtney slowly nodding her head.

  Now revived and full of restored faith, Courtney fished her phone out of her bag and dialled Ramon’s number.

  “I need to call Ramon and see how he is doing?” said Courtney.

  As she listened to the handset his number just kept ringing and ringing and the answering service picked up each time that she called back.

  “Ramon honey, if you get this message please call me immediately, we have to talk, said Courtney.

  Disappointed Courtney hung up the phone and once again looked at the mysterious envelope from “Alicia Sorellio” and said just under her breath,

  “Alicia, or whoever you are, you just messed with the wrong couple.”

  Chapter 6

  Marsha was smiling broadly and she had a slight bounce to her step as she crossed the road in front of the Derrien Island Hilton after disembarking from a taxi. She had just come from the bank, where she completed the transference of the funds to Robert’s account. On the way to the hotel, she even stopped off to buy a sexy red and black lingerie set and a box of Belgian chocolates which she planned to enjoy later.

  By now at four o’clock, Robert should have left and Ramon should be in room 307 fast asleep. With his plans being a complete surprise to his wife, Courtney would at first have no idea where he was and no explanation as to why he was missing. She would eventually wonder if he was with Alicia and she would probably make a few phone calls to the office but none of the staff would be able to say for sure where Ramon was because he kept the hotel stay a secret. He had only shared it with her one afternoon because she made most of his appointment calls and he needed her assistance while he left to attend an appointment.

  Courtney would be distraught to say the least; left alone at her own surprise wedding, thought Marsha laughing cruelly as she began her ascent of the stairs of the Derrien Hilton. She already had a passkey to room 307, having collected it earlier that morning from Rob so there was no need to present herself at the front desk. In her confidence that she would succeed she had paid for the room already as well. This whole escapade had nearly wiped out all her savings but Ramon was like an obsession for her that she could not resist
anymore. She no longer cared how she did it; she would have him at any cost.

  As she walked across the marble-tiled floors her high heels made that clicking sound that she liked. It made her feel somewhat executive and powerful and that feeling turned her on. She walked right up to the elevator with such confidence and lost in her own world that she never saw the man sitting in the hotel lobby reading the latest edition of the Men’s Health magazine.

  As Ramon watched his secretary Marsha cross the lobby he became disgusted to the pit of his stomach that he was working with someone who presented such an air of innocence and quiet but effective performance but was clearly demented to her very core. She was willing to trap him in a hotel room on the night of his seventh wedding anniversary and have her way with him while Courtney would be once again left humiliated and hurt by his seemingly obvious betrayal. It took all of his will power to remain seated where he was and to let justice take its course. This was the first time in his life that he felt that he could do serious bodily harm to a woman. He just sat and prayed for strength, prayed for clear thoughts, and just prayed for Courtney. He just could not imagine what she must be going through at that moment and the thought was driving him crazy with worry. All of his plans could be at stake and he needed the proof of his innocence so he had to follow through with this plan.

  After apprehending Robert in the hotel parking lot about an hour and a half earlier, he felt that he was barely holding on to the last thread of patience he had in him to get to the bottom of the truth. When he saw him try to escape he did not hesitate, driven by the intense gut feeling that he needed to know what Robert knew, somehow sensing that if Robert got away, his life would never be the same. Robert was hiding something, because an innocent man would not need to run! He pursued him across the marbled lobby forgetting for a moment who he was and where he was. He only knew that he had to stop him at all cost. When he saw Robert about to step into an idling taxi he closed the distance by tackling him, something he had not done since his college rugby days. Praying that he would not injure himself he managed to knock Robert away from the cab door bumping his right knee hard as he came hard down on the cobbled pavement. As he felt the pain radiate through his leg, he felt himself grow even angrier but he forced it aside and stood to his feet to help the security guard who had arrived by then. However, not even that pain prepared him for the pain and rage that would engulf him when they had got Robert inside and he was questioned by the police who had also been called in. Scared for his own skin and intimidated by the intense questioning Robert had confessed that he had delivered photos to Courtney that afternoon, which implicated Ramon and an unknown woman in an extra-marital affair. He also told about the booby-trapped floral arrangement and spiked punch that he and Marsha had set up for him in room 307. This news shook and devastated him to the core and he had to walk to the other side of the room holding his head in his hands before he did something he would regret to Robert. Not even when his own brother Jeremy tried to cheat him out of the money left to both of them by their now deceased uncle Kenrick did he feel this way. This level of deceit and malevolence sickened him intensely until he could not bear to listen anymore. Robert, smartly deciding that he was not going down in flames alone then informed everyone of Marsha’s imminent arrival around four o’clock. The police then decided to set up a plan that would lead to Marsha into implicating herself.